General Code of Conduct
The Grand Forks & District Public Library is intended as a welcoming and safe space for all members of the community – patrons, visitors, and staff. This Code of Conduct is the set of rules to ensure this intention.
We seek your cooperation in maintaining an environment favourable to enjoyable use of the Library. Staff will make every effort to apply these rules fairly and positively for everyone’s benefit.
- Violent, threatening, abusive, discriminatory, or harassing language or conduct of any kind is not allowed.
- Disruptive or intrusive behaviour is not allowed. Activities that may be seen to reasonably cause offense to other patrons in a public context are prohibited. Please moderate levels of conversation and of audio from personal devices.
- Appropriate public attire, including shirts and shoes, is required to be worn on Library premises.
- Damage, misuse, or theft of Library materials, equipment, and property will not be tolerated. Interfering with the designated use of computers and networks is not allowed. Recovery of the costs of any damages to or loss of Library property will be pursued.
- The Human Rights Code will direct any requests for Library services.
- Children under the age of 8 years or others requiring supervision must be overseen by a parent or guardian. Although the Library acknowledges a general duty of care, the staff does not and cannot act in loco parentis for minors or other patrons on its premises or property.
- Personal effects and bags, backpacks, and the like may not be left unattended for other than very short periods of time. The Library is not responsible for any theft of patron’s property.
- Patrons must obey the requests, directions, and rulings of Staff. Members of the public must open all bags if requested by the Library Staff.
- Library materials may not be taken into washrooms.
- Drinking from covered containers and eating snack foods are allowed except in restricted areas.
- Photographing or video recording of staff or patrons on Library property is prohibited except with specific permission.
- Posting or distributing circulars, notices or petitions, or engaging in solicitation or commercial activity on Library property without prior written approval is not permitted.
- Animals are only allowed in the Library if they are service animals or participants in a Library sponsored program.
The Library Director has authority to issue a ban from Library premises and property for a period of up to twelve months for serious breaches of this Code of Conduct. An appeal of this banning may be made in writing to the Library Board, but the ban remains in effect while the appeal process is ongoing.
At the expiry of a twelve month banning period, the patron must apply in writing to the Library Director for reinstatement.
In the event that a patron’s behavior is judged be a serious threat to staff, other Library patrons or Library property, staff will call for police assistance. In the presence of an officer-of-the-law, staff will inform the patron verbally and/or in writing that they are banned from the Library for a specified period of time and are not to return.
A physical attack on Library staff or other patrons or recurring threatening activity towards staff members or patrons will result in the Board of Trustees issuing a permanent ban from Library premises and property, and seeking formal charges against the offender as the law allows.