Click here for donations of materials
If you would like to donate to the Grand Forks & District Public Library by credit or debit card, you may use the buttons below. You do not need to have a PayPal or Canada Helps account to donate.
The library is a CRA registered charity, and if your donation is over $25, you will be mailed a tax receipt.
Thank you for your support.
All monetary donations which legally qualify with the CRA and are over $25 will receive tax receipts.
Unless otherwise agreed upon prior to the donation, monetary donations will be added to the library’s general operating budget. Conditional donations (donations for a specific item or purpose) of up to $500 are accepted only by mutual consent between the Library Director and the donor. Conditional donations over $500 are accepted only by mutual consent between the Board, Library Director, and donor.
Recognition: All gifts over $100 will receive named recognition (unless the donation was made anonymously) in the Library’s Annual Report. Additional recognition, where feasible and appropriate, will be associated with, but not necessarily limited to, the service, collection, or area appropriate to the gift. The Board will work to create a thoughtful and appropriate recognition plan for gifts of $5000 or greater. Recognition of significant in-kind gifts may receive similar recognition. Publicity of donations will also be considered, with the agreement of the Library Board, Library Director, and the donor(s). Recognition must not undermine the integrity of the public space that the library provides.
Any donations submitted without an accompanying Donation Form will be kept anonymous, though we will accept Donation Forms at a later date than the actual donation.